Our alumni have funded scholarships to assist future generations of great UNB graduates, to attract students with outstanding promise for success and enable many who would not otherwise have attended to become Proudly UNB.
The following awards are funded by the Alumni and Alumnae Association but administered by the Office of Undergraduate Awards.
Undergraduate Award information
Undergraduate awards |
Alumnae Undergraduate Scholarship |
Alumnae Entrance Scholarship |
Alumni Entrance Scholarship |
Alumni Undergraduate Scholarship |
Alumni Merit Awards |
Anne Murray Alumni Scholarship |
Associated Alumnae Athletic Award |
Associated Alumnae Scholarship – Renaissance College |
Bermuda Alumni Scholarship |
Calgary Alumni Bursary |
Dr. A. Foster Baird Alumni Scholarship |
Dr. Bernice L. MacNaughton Memorial Alumnae Scholarship (Entrance) |
Joseph W. Sears Scholarship |
Muriel Farris Baird Alumnae Scholarship |
Ottawa Alumni Chapter Thomas Foulkes Sr. Scholarship |
Richard Scott Merit Award |
Toronto Alumni Chapter Fredrik S. Eaton Scholarship |
UNB Associated Alumni Leadership Award |
UNB Alumni Legacy Award |
UNB Edmonton Alumni Chapter Bursary |
Zula V. Hallett Scholarship in Kinesiology |