Inside every great school is a great principal.
Bonnie Hierlihy (BEd'93, MEd'00), Julie Michaud (MEd’12), Heidi Ryder (BA'93, BEd'99, MEd'06) and Shane Thomas (BEd'86, D-AUS'87, MEd'02) are among the most 'outstanding' in the country. Last month the three UNB alumni received the Learning Partnerships 2018 Outstanding Principals award. The distinction is awarded to principals who demonstrate innovation, entrepreneurial spirit, and who have done something 'truly remarkable' in public education.
Bonnie Hierlihy, Fairvale Elementary School in Rothesay, NB, is a dedicated and experienced leader. Bonnie has nurtured and developed a collaborative, innovative core team of teacher and educational assistant leaders. The school team has initiated programs to nurture self-regulation, reduce anxiety, and promote wellness.
Through fundraising, the school purchased several silent stationary bikes that help students with self-regulation, including those who are restless, tired, anxious or struggle with sustained attention. In-school team meetings, wellness and mental fitness are integrated into discussions on academic success. Each classroom is equipped with a “Falcon’s Fidget Kit’, which aid in keeping restless fingers busy, bodies calm and minds attentive.
Parent information sessions have included topics on generalized anxiety, self-regulation, sleep and internet safety. Under Bonnie’s leadership, staff, families and the community have worked together to educate and support the whole child.
Julie Michaud, Saint Mary's Academy, Edmundston, NB, is an educator who wholeheartedly believes that each child can learn and every voice matters. Julie and her staff gather, triangulate and monitor student data to make sure the supports and interventions are in place for success.
Julie searches out multiple grants to supplement the school’s budget, providing additional resources, including nutrition programs and additional technology and books to engage students. Staff are encouraged to have an active voice in matters related to school improvement. Teachers collaborate on cross-curricular projects that reflect students’ interests.
Julie solicited grants to purchase new laptops and green screens to further integrate technology-facilitated learning into the culture of Saint Mary's Academy. Julie listens to staff and student concerns and strategically acts on advice. Julie keeps teachers, students and the community of Saint Mary's Academy, motivated, engaged and focused on improvement.
Heidi Ryder, James M. Hill Memorial High School, Miramichi, NB, began her teaching career at James M. Hill Memorial High School in 1999 and became an administrator in 2011. Her priorities are school climate, academic achievement and ensuring all students succeed. Progress is celebrated and Heidi is committed to providing for all students, whether for remediation or enrichment, the services they need and deserve.
To improve student achievement, timetables became more flexible. Updated curricula in history and the humanities were written using Heidi’s expertise. Heidi has worked to ensure all students’ needs are met, including starting a free Breakfast Café and a program called Open Door, which provides students with a room stocked with school supplies, various food items, clothing and personal hygiene items. Under her leadership, James M. Hill Memorial High School is thriving with strong teachers and spirited students.
Shane Thomas, Fredericton High School, is an innovative educator who has incorporated the use of data to focus the school-wide Positive Work and Learning Environment Plan. Shane has built a culture of wellness for the entire school community. Shane and staff ensure the supports are in place to enable inclusion and success. Shane’s out-of-the-box approach to working with newcomer and international students has contributed to student success and brighter futures.
Under his leadership, teachers are refining students’ personal learning plans, consolidating strengths and supporting areas of need. Parents are kept informed with Shane’s “Talk Mail” every week. He works with teacher leaders, ensuring staff collaborate on goal-setting and shared accountability. Shane leads by empowering those around him to make decisions, enact their vision, and take risks for the benefit of students.