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A strategic approach

UNB is taking a strategic approach to enhancing our relationships with key partners. By establishing strategic partnerships with organizations that have multiple touch points with the university, we are advancing mutually beneficial, multifaceted relationships that are entered into with purpose. The relationships are managed through a single point of contact in the Strategic Partnerships Office.

This unique model is paying dividends in impact and value by building connections between strategic partner representatives (often UNB alumni) and students, faculty and staff on the Fredericton and Saint John campuses. Thousands of UNB students have benefitted from work-integrated and experiential learning opportunities like:

  • Guest lectures
  • Mentoring
  • Workshops
  • Case studies
  • Tours
  • Sponsorships provided by strategic partners

These engagement opportunities, coupled with research exploration, alumni engagement and recruitment-related strategies co-supported by partners and UNB, are strengthening the ties that lead to talent development and economic growth in New Brunswick.

Current strategic partners

UNB is pleased to have strategic partnerships with six Maritime-based organizations:

Through these partnerships, UNB is helping students and graduates to find relevant employment - and our partners to find top talent. We're also smoothing pathways for accessing academic opportunities at UNB while engaging alumni who work for our partner organizations and helping to provide a variety of experiences and opportunities to UNB students, faculty, staff and alumni.

Our goals

  • To make it easier for large organizations to work with UNB
  • To increase the effectiveness and efficiency of UNB’s interactions with its strategic partners
  • To identify and capitalize on opportunities to advance the university
  • To engage the university community in strategic partnership activities and provide support

Other partners

The Strategic Partnerships Office may be able to assist your business or organization in engaging with the University of New Brunswick. Learn more about Business and Industry.


Contact us

For more information on UNB’s strategic partnerships, contact

  • Amy Batt, Executive Director, Strategic Partnerships
  • Darcy Crowe, Strategic Partnerships Officer