Social Work

Faculty: Faculty of Arts
Degree(s): Bachelor of Social Work
Campus: Saint John

UNB’s Bachelor of Social Work is an accredited, generalist program that will allow you to explore multiple facets of the field. You will study and experience areas like community development, policy work, mental health care, working with children and more. Learn to become a change maker and make a lasting difference in people’s lives.

For more information, see the Faculty of Arts.

Why Social Work at UNB?

The Bachelor of Social Work program is offered through the faculty of arts, where students, professors and researchers unite to share ideas on pressing issues like homelessness and poverty. You will join a community of passionate learners dedicated to making a positive impact in their area.

Hands on learning

The Bachelor of Social Work program offers 700 hours of experiential education, including a 450-hour work term, where you will get first-hand exposure to community dynamics with practicing social workers.

Placements are an integral part of the program, allowing you to grow and reflect on the realities of diverse practice areas throughout your studies. Placements begin as soon as you join the program.

Skills you will acquire

  • Critical thinking
  • Communication
  • Interpersonal
  • and much more

What you will learn about

  • Self-care and well-being
  • Social justice and social work practice
  • Diversity, inclusion and belonging
  • Indigenous practice perspectives
  • Strategies for building resilient communities
  • Racial and colonial discourses and practice
  • Community service and practice
  • Housing instabilities and links to social work practice
  • Theories of mental health and client engagement

Admission requirements

Select "Arts" in our admission requirements tool.


  • Community development officer
  • Library social worker
  • Child advocate
  • Adoptions social worker
  • Veterans services case manager
  • Client advocate
  • Resource centre director
  • Child Welfare social worker
  • Hospital social worker