Applied Coastal Ecology

Faculty: Faculty of Science, Applied Science and Engineering
Degree(s): Major in Applied Coastal Ecology
Campus: Saint John

Photo credit: Gina Lonati

A bachelor of science with a major in applied coastal ecology will give students a deep dive into tackling climate change and protecting our important coastal regions. This program prepares students to pursue meaningful careers in coastal management, conservation, and protection.

Students will immerse themselves in learning about the science of ecology and gain skills in statistics, mathematics and data science. The skills and knowledge students will learn during the applied coastal ecology program will prepare students to make a difference in coastal protection through working with non-profit organizations and within the government.

Why Applied Coastal Ecology at UNB? 

UNB’s Saint John campus is located near the Bay of Fundy and on the Kennebecasis/Saint John River estuary complex, an ideal place to study coastal environments.

Hands on learning

  • Optional 12-week immersion program with the Huntsman Marine Science Centre in St. Andrews
  • Fieldwork on coastal sites in the Saint John region
  • Laboratory courses

Admission requirements

For admission requirements, select "Science" in our admission requirements tool.


  • Conservation biologist
  • Ecological modeler
  • Environmental data scientist
  • Environmental consultant
  • Fisheries biologist