Environmental Management

Faculty: Faculty of Forestry and Environmental Management, Faculty of Science
Degree(s): Bachelor of Science in Environmental Management
Campus: Fredericton

Do you spend a lot of time considering the world around you? The Bachelor of Science in Environmental Management inspires students to solve natural and environmental problems from a holistic, systems perspective. By studying the land, water, air, plants, and people, you’ll learn how to predict and interpret climate change and build a solutions-based career that protects and bolsters natural resources.

Why Environmental Management at UNB?

At UNB, you build an education that fits your interests. Choose from these majors or combine the three:

  • People, Policy and Planning
  • Water Resources Management
  • Wildlife Conservation

This program also provides the opportunity to complete a Wildlife Management Certification or a minor in Marine Biology through the Canadian Rivers Institute.

For more information, visit the Faculty of Forestry and Environmental Management.

Admission requirements

For admission requirements, select "Environment and Natural Resources" in our admission requirements tool.

Sample Courses

  • ENR 1001: Resource Management Issues, Ethics and Communication
  • ENR 4973: Field Camp
  • ENR 3201: Urban Hydrology and Water Management
  • ENR 2021: Natural Resource Management, Institutions, Policy and Governance


  • Climate Change Advisor
  • Wildlife/Wetland/Aquatic Specialist
  • Environmental Field Assessor
  • Ecologist
  • Ecosystem Analyst