Geomatics Engineering

Faculty: Faculty of Science, Applied Science, and Engineering
Degree(s): Bachelor of Science in Engineering (Year 1)
Campus: Saint John

Geomatics is the science and technology of gathering, analysing, interpreting, distributing and using geographic information.

Geodesy is the science of mathematically determining the size and shape of the earth and the nature of the earth's gravity field - an essential foundation for all geomatics applications.

View of the world

Students use a broad range of computerized tools and information to create detailed but understandable views of the physical world and our place in it for a variety of engineering applications.

This information may come from earth orbiting satellites (like GPS and RadarSat), air and sea-borne sensors or ground-based instrumentation, and be processed using state-of-the-art statistical analysis, modelling, remote sensing or geographic information system (GIS) software.

The first year of Geomatics Engineering is offered at UNB Saint John.

Admission Requirements

For admission requirements, select "Engineering" in our admission requirements tool.