
Honours, Majors and Minor

Special Note: To sign up for upper-level (3000-4000 level) courses in English, students need to have completed 9 ch of lower level (1000-2000 level) English or the equivalent or obtain permission from the instructor. For students in all English programs, their lower-level courses must include ENGL 1101 and ENGL 1102.


Students interested in pursuing an honours degree in English should submit a formal letter of application to the Honours Coordinator for admission to the program. 

Students are eligible to apply to the program during the session in which they expect to complete successfully their first 60 ch (20 term-courses). To enter the Honours Program, students must in courses other than English must be maintained if the student is to remain in the Honours program. 


Students admitted to the Honours Program are required to complete 60 ch (20 term courses) in English, including 12 ch at the lower level, and a minimum of 48 ch at the upper level.  

There are two paths to an Honours degree: Coursework, or an Honours Essay. Students in both streams should aim to take as wide a range of courses as possible; they will still be able to focus on areas of interest as they discover them. 

Students who choose to write an Honours Essay will include ENGL 4801: Honours Essay: Reading and Research and ENGL 4802: Honours Essay among their 16+ upper-level courses. 

Students will design their Honours Program in consultation with the Honours Coordinator, with whom they will remain in regular contact throughout their program whichever path they choose. They are encouraged to approach any of their professors for help and advice. 

Students are required to complete a minimum of 30 ch of foundational courses with a minimum of 12 ch from each of the following two lists: 

Areas of Coverage: 

  1. Pre-1800: ENGL 3009, ENGL 3104, ENGL 3111, ENGL 3112, ENGL 3114, ENGL 3203, ENGL 3204, ENGL 3206ENGL 3817, ENGL 3819
  2. Post-1800: ENGL 3302, ENGL 3304, ENGL 3312, ENGL 3313, ENGL 3314, ENGL 3402, ENGL 3405, ENGL 3502, ENGL 3504, ENGL 3506, ENGL 3507, ENGL 3508,ENGL 3509, ENGL 3818, ENGL 3824, ENGL3821

Courses outside of this list may be considered to meet the coverage requirements following discussion with the discipline.

Students are required to include at least one of the following courses in their program: ENGL2XXX [Reading Through Treaty], ENGL3816, ENGL3817, ENGL3820, or other courses as identified by the program advisors. These upper-level courses can be included as part of the pre- and post-1800 requirements. 

Finally, as part of their program, Honours Students in each stream are required, in consultation with the Honours Supervisor, to designate one of their courses in their third or fourth year as an Honours Seminar. Those taking 4801 / 4802  are to choose a course unconnected to their major field and develop a project to be shared with the class, making this both an enhancement of breadth and an instance of experiential learning. 

Literary Theory (ENGL 3601) is strongly recommended for students considering graduate study. 

Electives may be chosen from any of the above-mentioned courses and from the following list: ENGL 3611, ENGL 3701ENGL 3709, ENGL 3713, ENGL 3714, ENGL 3716, ENGL 3718ENGL 3721, ENGL 3722, ENGL 3802, ENGL 3922, ENGL 3927. Up to two upper-level term-courses in literatures other than English may be substituted for up to two English electives with the approval of the Honours Coordinator. 

For first-class honours, a minimum grade point average of 3.6 is required in English courses. For second-class honours, a minimum grade point average of 3.3 is required in English. Averages are calculated on the basis of the minimum number of courses required in the programme; courses successfully completed above this minimum are treated as “non-required” courses. 


ENGL 4801: Honours Essay: Reading and Research:
This course is devoted to the research portion of the honours project.

ENGL 4802: Honours Essay:
Upon successful completion of ENGL 4801, an honours essay will be written and presented.

Students wishing to take ENGL 4802 are required to consult with the Honours Coordinator in the winter term prior to the fall enrolment in ENGL 4801. Supervisors will be assigned by the members of the English discipline.

Joint Honours Program - English and History

Students interested in pursuing a joint Honours Program in English and History must apply in writing to either the Honours Coordinator of English or the Coordinator of History.

To satisfy the English requirements for the joint honours degree, students must complete 4 term-courses of lower level English, 2 of which must be ENGL 1101 and ENGL 1102, and a minimum of ten upper level term-courses in English. At the upper level, a minimum of 3 term-courses is required in each of the following two groups, for a total of 6 term-courses:

  1. Pre-1800: ENGL 3009, ENGL 3104ENGL 3111, ENGL 3112, ENGL 3133, ENGL 3203, ENGL 3204ENGL 3206, ENGL 3206, or ENGL 3817, ENGL 3819
  2. Post-1800: ENGL 3302, ENGL 3304, ENGL 3312, ENGL 3313, ENGL 3314, ENGL 3402,  ENGL 3405, ENGL 3502, ENGL 3504ENGL 3506, ENGL 3507ENGL 3508, ENGL 3509, ENGL 3824, ENGL 3821

Courses outside this list may be added after discussion with the discipline.

Electives may be chosen from both of the above groups, and from the following list: ENGL 3611, ENGL 3701ENGL 3709, ENGL 3713ENGL 3714ENGL 3718, ENGL 3721ENGL 3722, ENGL 3802, ENGL 3922, ENGL 3927. Literary Theory (ENGL 3601) is strongly recommended for students intending to pursue graduate study. In addition, such students are advised to study a second language.

Students must complete HENG 4000, (a two-term-course). Once the student has decided whether the primary emphasis will be on English or History, the supervisors will be assigned from the two disciplines. Credit for the thesis (HENG 4000) will be assigned to the discipline receiving the primary emphasis.


Students should declare a major once they have completed twenty term-courses. Students will design their program in consultation with the Majors Coordinator.

A single Major in English will consist of at least fourteen term-courses in English, at least 10 term-courses must be at the upper level and a maximum of 12 ch of lower level English (including ENGL 1101 and ENGL 1102). A minimum of 9 ch (3 term-courses) are required from each of the following two groups, for a total of 18 ch:

  1. Pre-1800: ENGL 3009, ENGL 3104, ENGL 3111, ENGL 3112, ENGL 3113, ENGL 3203, ENGL 3204ENGL 3205, ENGL 3206 or ENGL 3817, ENGL 3819
  2. Post-1800: ENGL 3302ENGL 3304, ENGL 3312ENGL 3313ENGL 3314, ENGL 3402ENGL 3405, ENGL 3818ENGL 3502ENGL 3504ENGL 3506ENGL 3507ENGL 3508, ENGL 3509ENGL 3824, ENGL 3821 

Courses outside this list may be added after discussion with the discipline.

Electives may be chosen from both of these groups, as well as from the following list: ENGL 3611, ENGL 3701ENGL 3709, ENGL 3713, ENGL 3714ENGL 3718ENGL 3721, ENGL 3722, ENGL 3802, ENGL 3922, or ENGL 3927. Up to two upper level term-courses in literatures other than English may be substituted for up to two English electives with the approval of the Majors Coordinator.

An English course will count toward the fulfillment of the Major requirements only when it is passed with a grade of C or above.

A Double Major including English will consist of a minimum of 10 term-courses in English, at least 7 of which must be at the upper level including at least 2 term-courses from each of the two groups listed above. Lower-level courses must include ENGL 1101 and ENGL 1102

English Major with a Concentration in Drama

Students wishing to concentrate in drama may elect the Single or Double Majors option in English (Drama). Students who elect to take the Drama option will organize their programs according to the standard requirements for Majors or Double Majors, with the following modifications: ENGL 2002 must be included among their lower level courses. At the upper level, they will be required to complete ENGL 3902, ENGL 3927, at least one Shakespeare course, and at least one other upper level course devoted to the study of dramatic literature (see the Majors Coordinator for a list of acceptable options). As part of their Majors requirements students must complete at least 3 term-courses from each of the 2 Majors groups. These 6 courses can include the required drama courses.


The Minor in English will consist of a minimum of 8 term-courses in English, at least 3 but no more than 4 of which must be at the lower-level (two of which must be ENGL 1101 and ENGL 1102). A grade of C or better is required in all courses counting towards the minor.