Certificate in General Studies

The Certificate in General Studies is open to all interested individuals, but it is intended for students attending university for the first time. It is anticipated that Certificate students may proceed on to a degree program, transferring all appropriate Certificate credit(s).


Open to all interested individuals, the Certificate in General Studies has no specific academic prerequisites for students enrolled on a part-time basis, only a desire and willingness on the part of the student to engage in university-level education. Applicants applying to the Certificate in General Studies for a full-time study should consult with the Faculty of Arts before an admission decision will be made.

There is no minimum age, or any specific prerequisite requirements for entrance into the Certificate in General Studies. Some courses, such as those in Groups D, E, and F, may require successful completion of upper-level high-school studies in the discipline.

General regulations

  1. Students who wish to pursue the Certificate in General Studies on a full-time basis should first consult with the Faculty of Arts.
  1. To earn the Certificate in General Studies a student must complete a minimum of 10 term-courses with a grade of C or better in each course, and achieve a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.0.
  1. Students in the Certificate in General Studies are required to take a minimum of 2 term courses from three of the six groups (adhering to all course prerequisites):
    • Group A: Classics, English, History, Humanities, Philosophy, World Literature.
    • Group B: French, German, Latin, Spanish.
    • Group C: Economics, Geography, Health Sciences, Communication Studies, Linguistics, Politics, Psychology, Sociology.
    • Group D: Biology, Chemistry, Geology, Mathematics, Physics, Science, Statistics.
    • Group E: Business, Hospitality & Tourism.
    • Group F: Computer Science, Data Analysis, Engineering, Information Technology.
  1. A certificate will not be awarded to a student who has completed another degree or certificate program, or is currently enrolled for a degree. Students currently enrolled in another program, or in the No degree program, will be considered for transfer into the Certificate in General Studies program. A maximum of six term courses will be transferable for these students. Students who have withdrawn from an undergraduate degree program may apply for the Certificate in General Studies. Full time Certificate in General Studies enrolment will be considered by the Faculty of Arts and will only be approved in exceptional circumstances. Students wishing to be considered for full-time study MUST supply the Registrars Office with documentation clearly outlining how and why they are capable of full-time university level study. This documentation will include:
    • Official transcripts (high school, GED, college,etc.)
    • A resume
    • Two (2) or more letters of support from employers/teachers who can clearly attest to how and why the student is capable of full-time academic study
    • A personal statement by the student outlining in detail how and why they are capable of university-level full time study.