Concurrent BCS/BSc Degree Program
Most scientific careers now require a thorough background in computing. Many careers in the computing field require primary knowledge in a scientific application area. The Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Computer Science offer students a program in which to pursue a science major and a complete computer science education. Students may enrol in a concurrent degree program in which at the end of five to five-and-a-half years of study a student will graduate with both a BSc with a major in Biology, Chemistry, Earth Sciences, Mathematics, or Physics, and a BCS. Participation in the Computer Science Co-op program will lengthen the student's program. The program is designed so that if a student decides to opt for BCS alone, the adjustments can be easily made. Students in the concurrent degree program are able to count many of their courses toward the requirements of both degrees so it is important to select courses carefully from the outset, in consultation with an advisor.
Admission requirements: Students must satisfy the admission requirements for both the Bachelor of Computer Science and the Bachelor of Science as given in Section B.
Course Selections
While the first and second years given below are typical, the third, fourth and fifth year will depend on the CS and Science degree programs chosen (Major, Honours, etc.)
Year 1 CS 1073, CS 1083, CS 1203, one of (CS 1103 or CS 1303), MATH 1003, MATH 1013, (or MATH 1053, MATH 1063), SCI 1001 plus four term lecture courses in first year science, all four of which are accompanied by labs, chosen from Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Earth Sciences. The particular sciences and labs chosen will depend on the intended Science program. MATH 2203 may be substituted for CS 1303. Students planning to major or honour in Mathematics are strongly recommended to choose MATH 2203 rather than CS 1303. Credit will be given for only one of CS 1303 and MATH 2203.
Year 2 One of (CS 1103 or CS 1303), CS 2043, CS 2263, MATH 2213, one of (CS 2333, CS 1103, or CS 2383), MATH 2003, plus 6 term courses in Science (minimum 18 ch) chosen in consultation and with the approval of the advisor in your chosen Science discipline.
Year 3, 4, 5 These must be arranged in consultation with your CS and Science advisors and will be different for each student.