
Department of French

General Office: Tilley Hall, Room 231
Mailing Address: Department of French
University of New Brunswick
P.O. Box 4400, Fredericton, N.B. 
Canada, E3B 5A3 
Phone: (506) 453-4651
Website: //
Chair: Dr. Chantal Richard


  • Bergeron, Patrick, BA, MA (Laval), PhD (Laval-Montpellier), Prof - 2016
  • Horne, Christine, BA (Sainte-Anne), MA, PhD (Dal), Assoc Prof - 1999
  • Falangola, Chiara, BA, MA (Université de Rome 'La Sapienza'), PhD (UBC), Asst Prof - 2023
  • Richard, Chantal, BA (UNB), MA, PhD (Moncton), Prof - 2019
  • Viau, Robert, BA, MA, PhD (Ott), Prof - 1993

General Information


The Department of French offers a broad range of language classes to accommodate all types of students from true beginners to Francophones. It is therefore important that students consult the Department before registering for a French course for the first time at UNB. To begin the process, students should contact the departmental secretary in Tilley Hall, room 231 (email:

Language courses are offered at all levels. Advanced-level courses are offered in language, linguisitics and literature. In keeping with traditional practice, the Department of French recognizes that an undergraduate program in French studies must include aspects of literary, culture, and linguistic enquiry. Students may find that courses describes as primarily "language" courses include some or all elements. Classes are normally taught in French.

The Department of French cannot guarantee a place in a course until this consultation has taken place. The Department reserves the right to remove from the class lists or wait lists any students who have not consulted the Department or who miss three consective class hours within the first two weeks of classes.

Introductory Courses

1000-and 2000-level language courses are offered in complementary pairs so that students can take French throughout a full academic year (two consecutive terms)and it is recommended that students do so whenever possible. The Department of French believes that taking a French course that is below a student's language proficiency is not a productive use of the student's time and that it constitutes academic dishonesty.

The following course combinations are recommended depending on the student's background;

  • Students who have not previously studied French or have not completed Grade 12 (Core) French should take FR 1014, followed by FR 1015.
  • Students who have completed basic Grade 12 (Core) French or equivalent should take FR 1034, followed by FR 1044.
  • Students who have participated in a high school French immersion program or equivalent should take FR1184, followed by FR1194. In their second year, they should take two or more of the following courses: FR2124, FR 2154, FR 2164, FR 2174 or FR 2184.
  • Students who were educated in French or have acquired equivalent fluency should enter directly at the second-year level and take two or more of the following courses: FR2124, FR 2154, FR 2164,FR 2174, or  FR 2184. 
  • Students who have completed  FR1044and students whose background (some immersion, a period of time since their last French course, etc.) renders them too advanced for FR1034 but who are not at the level required for FR1184 may take FR2034, followed by  FR2054 

Please note: Students who have successfully completed a language course cannot subsequently receive credit for a course that occurs earlier in the sequence ; e.g. students who have passed FR 1184 cannot take FR 1034 or FR 1015 for credit.

External Credit

Students may elect to take language courses off campus, e.g., in summer French immersion programs. These courses can be counted for UNB credit if the Department judges that sufficient progress has been made to merit credit equivalent to a course offered by the UNB French Department. The student is responsible for providing a detailed description of the course and any other information the Department may require to assess it. Students should apply for the Department's approval before taking a French course off campus for which they hope to recieve UNB credit.

Normally a maximum of 9 credit hours of transfer credits at the advanced level will be counted towards the single major or honours programs and a maximum of 6 credit hours of transfer credits can be used toward a minor, double major, or joint honours.

Upper-Level Courses (first digits 3 or 4)

The Department offers upper-level courses in three areas: Language (second digit 0), Linguistics (second digit 2,3, or 4), and Literature (second digit 5, 6, or 8).

Students working towards a Major or Honours degree in French are required to choose a number of specialized courses in Linguistics and in Literature. Students working towards a Major or Honours in another discipline who wish to continue the study of French may take any advanced-level French course, provided they have the necessary competence.


FR 3404 "Introduction to Linguistics" is a prerequisite or co-requisite for all Linguistics courses. 


There are three kinds of literature courses: 

  1. courses offering a variety of critical approaches, not limited to France, or Canada (second digit 5);
    b. term courses on various periods of French European Literature (second digit 6);
    c. term courses on aspects of French-Canadian Literature (second digit 8). 

Students are advised to check the timetable to see which courses are offered in the current session. 


All Single and Double Major students must complete the required number of credit hours in lower-level and upper-level courses in French with a grade of C or better in each course.  

Single Major: 36 credit hours of which at least 30 must be upper-level courses.

Double Major: 30 credit hours of which at least 24 must be upper-level courses.

Required Courses: 

  • A minimum of one upper level Literature courses  


All Single and Joint Honours students must complete the required number of credit hours in upper level courses in French with an average grade of B or better. 

Single Honours: 42 credit hours of which at least 36 must be upper-level courses.

Joint Honours: 30 credit hours of which at least 24 must be upper-level courses.

Required Courses: 

Honours students may choose between the courses-based option and the Honours Report Option. 

Minor in French

Students must complete 24 credit hours in French including a minimum of 12 credit hours at the upper level. The upper level courses will include a minimum of 3 credit hours in either Literature or Lingusitics. A grade of "C" or better is required in each course.