Role within programme and connections to other courses. Lasers and other light sources are rarely used as standalone instruments. They are almost always coupled to several different devices that form an optical system for performing specific tasks. Provides a comprehensive overview of these optical devices, how they work, and what they’re typically used for. Content. Passive devices such as lenses, beam splitters, polarizers; active components such as acousto-optic and electro-optic modulators. Anti-reflection coatings, birefringence, and temperature sensitivity. The comprehensive laboratory component applies the concepts learned in the classroom component to design and construct various optical systems. Students cycle through different experiments that will give them hands-on training with lasers, electronics, and optical instrumentation.
Prerequisites: ECE 3111, PHYS 4452, PHYS 3336.
Co-requisite: PHYS 4823 or equivalent with permission from course instructor. |