
ADM4451Student Investment Fund I3 ch (LE) (W) (EL)
Develops skills in actual financial investment process and portfolio management. Guided by faculty advisors, to manage a $8,000,000+ pension portfolio within the investment policies and procedures of the New Brunswick Investment Management Corporation (NBIMC). Will require detailed analysis of macroeconomic, industry, and company fundamentals. Entails preparation, on a regular basis, of up-to-date reports and presentations of portfolio analysis, selection, and management. Students are assigned as analysts on a specific business sector team to develop equity research and communication skills. Open only to BBA stduents. Eligible candidates are required to complete an application form and go through an interview. 


Prerequisites: ECON 1013, ECON 1023, ADM 1213, ADM 2223, ADM 3413 


Co-Requisite: ADM 3415, ADM 4425