All medals, prizes, scholarships and bursaries that are awarded by the University are approved by both Senates. Unless otherwise specified, awards are tenable at the Fredericton and Saint John campuses of the University of New Brunswick.
The University reserves the right not to make an award should there be no suitable candidate.
The University assumes liability for the payment of scholarships, bursaries and prizes only to the extent that gifts from donors, or returns from particular investments for these purposes, will permit. Thus, the stated values and numbers of certain awards may vary.
Since the Calendar is published a considerable time before the opening of the academic session, the University reserves the right to make whatever changes circumstances may require, including the cancellation of awards.
For a student to be eligible for undergraduate scholarships and bursaries administered by the Undergraduate Awards Office, the student must be enrolled full-time (minimum 9 chs) in an undergraduate degree and have completed at least 24 credit hours in the previous assessment year.
Limited scholarship support is available for students who have completed less than 24 credit hours in the previous assessment year from the College of Extended Learning for Fredericton campus students and from Financial Aid for Saint John campus students.
Scholarships are awarded by the Undergraduate Awards Office to students attending UNB to help them with the financial costs of attending university. The scholarship is paid to the recipient in the form of a credit against the student's UNB tuition and other compulsory fees. Normally, one-half of the scholarship's annual value is credited to the student's UNB fees for the Fall and Winter terms, to a maximum of two terms per year (May to April).
A student can hold an undergraduate scholarship or bursary as long as the student is registered full-time (minimum 9 ch) during each of the Fall and Winter terms at UNB and has given satisfactory evidence of merit. Scholarship recipients with a documented disability who are registered in a reduced course load may be considered on the recommendation of a UNB Accessibility Counsellor; such students are encouraged to contact the Undergraduate Awards Office to discuss their situation. The value of the scholarship is based on a minimum of 24 credit hours completed each year, however, the value may be prorated for scholarship recipients with a documented disability who are taking fewer than 24 credit hours per year.
If a scholarship recipient attends only one term during the year (May to April), they will receive half the annual value of the scholarship as long as they have enrolled full-time (minimum 9 chs) during the one term.
Scholarships are awarded to international students entering UNB on the basis of a recommendation from the Registrar's Office for the admitting campus. Students who must undertake English language training before beginning their academic program may retain their scholarship while studying full-time in the English language training program.
International students who defer their Fall admission to the Winter term will have the full value of their scholarship applied to that term.
Co-op and PEP work terms qualify as eligible terms for scholarship support.
Normally, a scholarship recipient pursuing academic studies through UNB in the year (May 1 - April 30) in which the student expects to complete the requirements for an undergraduate degree, and who will not be registered full-time (minimum 9 chs) in each of the Fall and Winter terms of that year, may be able to retain eligibility for the full amount of the scholarship if they meet all of the following conditions: a) they are registered at UNB full-time (minimum 9 credit hours) in either Fall or Winter term and at least one course or at least a minimum of 3 credit hours in the other of these two terms; and ,b) the Faculty awarding the degree confirms that the student will qualify for the degree upon successful completion of the courses in which the student is registered in that year.
In the event that the award exceeds the compulsory fees for the study term, the recipient can request a refund from Financial Services.
To determine whether or not a student is in financial need, consideration is given to family income, number of dependents supported by the family income, number of dependents attending university in the upcoming year, spouse's income, number of student's dependents, student loan and/or other pertinent financial details provided by the student.
Students studying at another institution on a Letter of Permission from UNB normally are not permitted to retain their scholarship.
Students who withdraw from UNB after the refund date will retain their scholarship for the term in question, up to the tuition and compulsory fees owed by the student.
Each recipient will be notified of the terms and conditions of the award. If additional information is required, recipients are encouraged to contact the Director, Undergraduate Awards, University of New Brunswick, at 506-453-4894 or email: