
Unless otherwise stated, applications forms for loans may be obtained from the UNB Financial Aid Office, Alumni Memorial Building, Room 3, (506) 453-4796.

Note: Students are not considered for University loans until they have successfully completed one term full-time at UNB.


Benefits to Children of War Dead

conditions: Children of War Dead (Education Assistance) Act provides fees and monthly allowances for children of veterans whose death was attributed to military service. Inquiries should be directed to the nearest district office of the Department of Veterans Affairs. 

Canadian Institute of Surveying Student Loan Fund

conditions: The Canadian Institute of Surveying has established a loan fund for the purpose of assisting students registered in the fourth and fifth year Surveying course at this University. Applicants must be students in good academic standing. No loan to any single approved applicant shall in any one year exceed $500. Normally, students will only qualify for one Surveying loan, but at the discretion of the awarding committee, applications for a second loan may be considered. 

University Loans

conditions: Low-interest university funded loans are available to applicants with demonstrated financial need. Eligibility is restricted to full-time students who have successfully completed one term (full-time) of studies at UNB and are maintaining a satisfactory academic standing. The maximum loan available for an academic year is $800. 

Veterans Loan Fund

conditions: This fund has been established at the University by Veteran Students to assist deserving and needy students in obtaining the benefits of a university education. Loans may be obtained to the value of $800 per year for any one student. 

Fred and Dixie Beairsto Emergency Aid Fund

conditions: An emergency aid fund which provides limited assistance for undergraduate students at UNB Fredericton administered through the UNB Financial Aid Office. This aid would be a short term loan to meet unforeseen financial needs. Application for the Beairsto Emergency Aid Fund can be made at the UNB Financial Aid Office in the Alumni Memorial Building. The Fund has been established through the generosity of Fred Beairsto, BScCE 63, his wife Dixie and their family. 

Harry F. Bennett Education Fund

conditions: A fund established in 1946 by subscription from membership of the Engineering Institute of Canada as a memorial to Harry F. Bennett, M.E.I.C. The purpose of the Fund is to make loans available to deserving students who need financial assistance to enable them to complete their engineering studies. Money is available to students who have completed their first year in Engineering. The maximum loan for one year is $250 and the maximum total for all years is $450. The interest rate is 4% per annum applied from date of graduation. Application may be made through the Dean of Engineering or to the Harry F. Bennett Education Fund, 2050 Mansfield Street, Montreal 2, Quebec. 

Canada Student Loan Plan

conditions: The Canada Student Loan Program was established in 1964 by the Federal government to financially assist Canadian students registered in or accepted by a Canadian university. Each province administers a student aid program offering combined Federal/Provincial student loan funding (exception is Quebec which offers only provincial loan funding) to eligible applicants. Students interested in making application for funding should contact their designated provincial department of education (located in the "blue pages" of the phone book). New Brunswick students can contact 1) Student Financial Services, Department of Education, P.O. Box 6000, 548 York Street, Fredericton, New Brunswick, E3B 5H1; 2) web site: Students intending to use the Student Aid Program to fund their educational expenses should file their applications with the provincial authorities at least three months prior to their first day of classes. Further information/questions concerning the provincial loan programs can be discussed with the UNB Financial Aid Office by telephone at (506)453-4796 or fax (506)453-5020. 

Canadian Forces Personnel Assistance Loan Fund

conditions: The Canadian Forces Personnel Assistance Fund offers an Education Assistance Loan Program to assist serving and former members and their departments with costs of post-secondary education. To be eligible for a low interest loan of $1,200, $1,500, $2,000 or $2,500 the serving or former member must have served in the Canadian Army, after 1st October 1946, or in the Canadian Forces, after 31 January 1968, and have a minimum of one year Regular Forces military service. The loans are repayable over 12 or 24 months. Application forms are available from Canadian Forces Base Financial Counsellors, district offices of Veterans Affairs Canada, and the Provincial Command offices of the Royal Canadian Legion or by writing to CFPAF, 234 Laurier Avenue West, Ottawa, Ontario, K1P 6K6, telephone (613)760-3447 or toll free 1-888-753-9828. For those who wish to obtain their loan in time for the semester beginning September, your submission should arrive at CFPAF by 30 June. Otherwise, applications will be accepted throughout the year until the funds allotted for the EALP are exhausted. 

Ken Fuller Memorial Emergency Aid Fund

conditions: An emergency aid fund for undergraduate students at UNB established through the efforts of UNB Counselling Services, and co-ordinated with the UNB Financial Aid Office. This aid would be a short term loan to meet unforeseen financial needs. Application for the Ken Fuller Emergency Aid Fund can be made at the UNB Financial Aid Office. The Ken Fuller Memorial Emergency Aid Fund has been established in commemoration of Ken Fuller, who from 1969 to 1978, served the University of New Brunswick as Director of Counselling Services. 

Dr. Frank Gannett Loan Fund

conditions: A loan fund has been established through the generosity of the late Dr. Frank Gannett, of Rochester, N.Y., to assist deserving students in the Business Administration course who require financial assistance. This aid would be a short-term loan to meet unforeseen financial needs. 

Joe Kaiser Memorial Loan Fund

conditions: This fund has been established at the University through the efforts of the Engineering undergraduates to provide financial assistance to Engineering students. Applications from third year students will be given preference. The maximum loan is $800. The loans are awarded on the basis of need, with scholastic standing of the student a secondary consideration. 

The Fred Magee Endowment Loan Fund

conditions: The late Dr. Fred Magee, of Port Elgin, N.B., Class of 1897, founded a loan fund through the means of a most generous bequest to the University. The income from this bequest shall be lent to undergraduate students of UNB who are in need of funds to continue their courses of study. Applicants must be Canadian citizens by birth or naturalization. 

Beth Christie McAlpine Emergency Loan Fund

conditions: An emergency aid fund for undergraduate students at UNB has been established by family and friends of the late Beth Christie McAlpine, a graduate of the class of 1984. This fund will provide limited assistance to deserving students. This aid would be a short term loan to meet unforeseen financial needs. Applications for the Beth Christie McAlpine Emergency Loan Fund can be made at the UNB Financial Aid Office. 

Oscar D. Morrill Loan Fund

conditions: The late Oscar D. Morrill of Ann Arbor, Michigan, U.S.A., bequeathed the sum of $5,000 to the University to provide loans for worthy young men unable to obtain a university education without financial assistance. Preference is given to students from Yarmouth, Digby or Shelburne Counties of Nova Scotia. Loans may be made to students from other sections of the Maritime Provinces. 

C. Alexander Pincombe Memorial Loan Fund

conditions: A loan fund has been established through the generosity of the late C. Alexander Pincombe to assist UNB students who are in need of funds to continue their course of study. Applicants must be Canadian citizens by birth or naturalization and preference is to be given to students from southeastern New Brunswick. The loan fund is administered through the UNB Financial Aid Office. 

Florence T. Snodgrass Loan Fund for New Brunswick Students

conditions: An emergency aid fund for full-time students of UNB Fredericton campus who have graduated from a New Brunswick high school. Administered through the UNB Financial Aid Office, this aid is normally in the form of a short-term loan to meet unforeseen financial needs. The maximum loan is $600 annually but under extenuating circumstances may be increased to $800. 

Garnet Strong Loan Fund

conditions: This Loan Fund has been established by a friend interested in Forestry. Loans, not exceeding $800 each, are available to Forestry students. The student s financial need, character, academic standing and year at the University will be taken into consideration.