VII. Requirements For A Second Undergraduate Degree

Second Different Undergraduate Bachelor Degree

  1. The general regulations of the University and the regulations of the degree program concerned must be satisfied. Refer to the appropriate section of this calendar for the regulations of the degree program.
  2. Degree and departmental regulations concerning option, concentration, Major or Honours must be satisfied.*
    Throughout these regulations, the use of terms "option", "concentration", "major", and "honours" vary be faculty. All these terms denote some degree of specialization.
  3. The minimum number of credit hours, or courses, which must be successfully completed beyond the work required for the previous degree must not be less than the normal load of the final academic year in the degree program concerned. More than the minimum number of credit hours, or courses, may be required.
  4.  The courses taken must be approved by the Dean and the Department, or Departments, under which the option, concentration, Major, or Honours, falls.
  5.  In Faculties where the credit system is used, at least half the credits for a degree, diploma or certificate must be taken at this University; in Faculties where the year-system is used, two years must be taken at this University. It is normally expected that the final year of study be completed at this University.
  6. Candidates for a second different degree may not normally choose the same major, honours, option or concentration as in the first undergraduate degree.
  7. Students must make specific application to the Associate Registrar/Admissions for entry to the second different degree program.
  8. The final decision on the course work requirements for a second different undergraduate bachelor degree shall be a matter of agreement between the Registrar and the Dean, after consultation with the Chairs of Departments concerned. 
  9. Students may obtain further undergraduate bachelor degrees. Students are encouraged to consider proceeding to more advanced studies at the honours or graduate level.

Second Same Undergraduate Bachelor Degree

  1. A second same degree is permitted in limited cases. The general regulations of the University and the regulations of the degree program concerned must be satisfied. Refer to appropriate section of this calendar for the regulations of the degree.
    a. On the Fredericton Campus, the Faculty of Arts and the Faculty of Science permit a second same undergraduate Bachelor degree.
    b. On the Saint John campus, the Faculty of Arts and the Faculty of Science, Applied Science and Engineering permit a second same undergraduate Bachelor degree.
  2. Degree and departmental regulations concerning option, concentration, Major or Honours must be satisfied.*
    *Throughout these regulations, the use of the terms "option", "concentration", "major", and "honours" vary by faculty. All these terms denote some degree of specialization.
  3. The minimum number of credit hours, or courses, which must be successfully completed beyond the work required for the previous degree must not be less than the normal load of the final academic year of the degree in the program concerned. More than the minimum number of credit hours, or courses may be required. 
  4. The courses taken must be approved by the Dean and the Department, or Departments, under which the option, concentration, Major, or Honours, falls.
  5. In Faculties where the credit system is used, at least half of the credits for a degree, diploma or certificate must be taken at this University; in Faculties where the year-system is used, two years must be taken at this University. It is normally expected that the final year of study be completed at this University.  
  6. Candidates for a second degree may not normally choose the same major, honours, option or concentration as in the first undergraduate degree.
    Student may be permitted to upgrade a Minor or a Major from the first degree under the following conditions:
    c. A minor from the first degree may be upgraded to a Major or Honours after completion of the first degree.
    d. A Major from the first degree may be upgraded to an Honours after completion of the first degree.
    e. In either case, a notation only will be included on the student record and a second degree will not be awarded.
    Students will not be permitted to include a Minor in the second degree.
  7. Students must make specific application to the Associate Registrar/Admissions for entry to the second degree program. 
  8. The final decision on the course work requirements for a second different undergraduate bachelor degree shall be a matter of agreement between the Registrar and the Dean, after consultation with the Chairs of Departments concerned. 
  9. Students may obtain further undergraduate bachelor degrees. Students are encouraged to consider proceeding to more advanced studies at the honours or graduate level.

Graduates of other universities are not eligible to apply under these regulations. Applications from such candidates will be considered for possible acceptance and advanced standing on receipt of official transcripts submitted to the Associate Registrar/Admissions.

Students who desire to complete requirements for two different Bachelor Degrees at the same time will be granted such permission provided approval from both Faculties concerned has been granted. If permission is granted, students must be admitted to the second program by the Admissions Office. Requirements for each degree program are determined by each Faculty. This arrangement is separate from the Concurrent Degree Programs offered by the University.