Admission Regulations 

R. Transfer Students 

University of New Brunswick Students

University of New Brunswick students wishing to transfer to another degree program must complete a Transfer Request form, preferably before March 31st (January 31st for FEAA applicants). Applications received after that date will be considered, provided that space is available. It is recommended that transfer applications for degree programs requiring special forms, i.e. BN and Kinesiology, be submitted in January or February. Applications to transfer are available at the Registrar's Office on both campuses or at the following link // The record to date will be assessed by the Registrar in consultation with the administrative head of the degree program concerned. If the transfer is accepted, a statement of the student's position in the new program, including the credit hours permitted towards the new degree program, will be made.

Students wishing to transfer to another degree program for a winter term (beginning in January of the academic year) must complete a Transfer Request form before November 15th.

Students will normally be required to have completed at least one full year of academic work before applying to transfer.

Students from other Universities or Post Secondary Institutions 

A student wishing to transfer from a recognized university or college to UNB will be considered for admission subject to the following University of New Brunswick regulations: 

  1. Students should apply in writing by March 31st. Applications received after that date will be considered, provided that space is available.
  2. Students who for academic or non-academic misconduct reasons are not eligible for readmission to the post-secondary institution at which they last registered will not considered for admission to UNB.
  3. A transfer student eligible to continue at the university last attended will be considered on the same basis as UNB students. Note: The Faculty of Law is excluded from these regulations.
  4. Courses for which credit has been awarded at the transferring institution will be accepted provided that:
    a. the courses being considered for credit satisfy the program requirements at the University of New Brunswick.
    b.  the courses being considered meet the standard of grade required within the program at the University of New Brunswick.
  5. Official records will be evaluated and notification will be forwarded from the Registrar's Office concerning the student's position in the program at the University of New Brunswick, including the number of transfer credits awarded.
    Applications for transfer to UNB must be submitted to the Admissions Office. They will be reviewed by the Dean of the Faculty concerned who, together with appropriate University authorities, will determine the position of the applicant.
    In Faculties where the credit system is used, at least half the credits for a degree, diploma or certificate must be taken at this University; in Faculties where the year-system is used, two years must be taken at this University. It is normally expected that the final year of study be completed at this University.
    Applicants wishing to transfer to  UNB are advised to address their request to the Admissions Office.

  6. A student accepted as a transfer student from another AUCC recognized university or post-secondary institution may be given credit hours towards a degree for acceptable previous courses, but the cumulative grade point average, will be based only on courses taken at this University (i.e. those listed in the UNB Undergraduate Calendar, including certain approved St. Thomas University courses).
  7. Students who transfer from another post-secondary institution to a Concurrent Degree program at UNB must complete at least half the total credit hours for that concurrent program and at least half of the credit hours normally required for each included program at this University.
  8. Current University regulations governing the number of credits that must be taken at the University of New Brunswick apply.
  9. From time to time and in special circumstances, Faculties may recommend that credits in addition to the normal 50 per cent of the degree program be transferred. Such recommendation will be considered by the Registrar. In situations where approval is denied, and at the request of the Faculty, the matter will be referred to the Senate Admissions Committee for resolution.