Publishing3103Practical Editing SkillsPUB3 ch (3C) [W]

This course focuses on the three key aspects of the editing process — acquiring, assessing, and revising written work — within a variety of publishing situations, including academic and technical writing, journalism, blogs, promotional/marketing materials, biography/autobiography/life writing, and more. The course examines the acquisition and assessment models used by various sectors in the publishing industry, the pros and cons of peer review, and the many factors at play in the decision to acquire or accept written work. Particular attention will be paid to the various stages of revision — from initial revision to developmental/substantive editing to copyediting to proofreading — as well as grammatical considerations and best practices generally regarding editing principles and processes. Students will practice working as different kinds of editors and develop skills to manage the editorial process. NOTE: Enrolment limited to 20, with priority given to students admitted to the Certificate in Publishing program.