Publishing2103The Evolving Publishing EnvironmentsPUB3 ch (3C) [W]

An overview of the publishing industry, this course examines various technological, economic, legal, and cultural pressures acting on the publishing environment today, including the movement from print to electronic publishing and the shift from brick-and-mortar stores to online shopping carts. Students will explore the evolving roles of writers, agents, editors, and designers and will consider some of the legal and intellectual property matters at play in the contemporary publishing environment. They will also learn about the business side of publishing, including the roles that marketing, advertising, sales, finances, and distribution can play in deciding what will be published. The course ends with a look at the rise of self-publishing, the use of social media in publishing, the preservation of Canadian cultural content in a global age, and some current debates on diversity, economics, and the problems created by an abundance of published content. NOTE: Enrolment limited to 30, with priority given to students admitted to the Certificate in Publishing program.