Geological Engineering Courses

NOTE: See the beginning of Section H for abbreviations, course numbers and coding.

GE4981Site Investigation3 ch (3C/S)
Students will develop an understanding of the general principles and methods for site investigation and monitoring for geotechnical, hydrogeological, and geoenvironmental, projects. Topics include desk-top studies of exsisting information, planning and design of investigations, field safety, and data collection, presentation and interpretation. Seminars and field demonstrations by guest lectures, most of whom are practicing engineers, introduce students to specialized field techniques and the development of conceptual site models.

CE 2113, GE 2022, ESCI 4512.

GE5943Research Project4 ch (1C 6L) [W]

Each student will work on an approved research project. The student will: present a proposal which will serve as the basis for the project, carry out work on the project with the guidance of an approved supervisor, submit written progress reports at specified times, write a final report at completion of the project, present the subject of the report orally, and attend similar presentations by colleagues.

Prerequisite: Restricted to students in the final year of the program, or with permission of the instructor.