
SOCI4503Research Seminar in Popular Culture3 ch (3S)

This course examines the daily cultural artifacts that surround us, their multitude of meanings, and their use by social actors. This course will provide a historical background for understanding contemporary popular culture, and will investigate current theoretical debates on mass culture, popular culture and postmodernism. NOTE: Students who have taken SOCI 3000 cannot also get credit for SOCI 3009.

Prerequisites: Sociology students - complete SOCI 1001 or equivalent, two-term courses in lower-level Sociology (including SOCI 2004), SOCI 3009 and one of SOCI 3104 or SOCI 3105, all with grades of C or better. COMS Majors and Double-Major students - COMS 1001, COMS 1002, COMS 2001, COMS 3001, and COMS 3003 all with grades of C or  better.