II. French Language Policy


  1. The University of New Brunswick undertakes to meet the needs of undergraduate students with respect to French: By providing French Language courses at a level and of a type appropriate for graduates of French immersion programs in the public schools of New Brunswick. 
  2. By providing students in all faculties who are not bilingual with more information, encouragement and opportunity for the study of French. (See Certificate of Proficiency in French in Section G.)


The Saint John Campus of the University of New Brunswick intends to meet the needs of its undergraduate students with respect to French by providing (where feasible)French Language courses at a level and of a type appropriate for graduates of French immersion programs in the public schools of New Brunswick, and by providing students in all programs who are not bilingual with more information, encouragement and opportunity for the study of French.

Cette politique s'adresse aux étudiant(e)s anglophones. Les étudiante(e)s francophones sont également encouragé(e)s à suivre des cours au niveau approprié dans la discipline de français.

See also: Language of Examination (below)