PHYS4953 | |
Content. Relativistic quantum mechanics. The negative energy problem. Classical field theory, symmetries and Noether's theorem. Free field theory and Fock space quantization. The interacting field: LSZ reduction formula, Wick's theorem, Green's functions, and Feynman diagrams. Introduction to Quantum electrodynamics and renormalization. This course is cross-listed as MATH 4443. Credit cannot be obtained for both Math 4443 and PHYS 4953. Prerequisites: MATH 3003 , PHYS 3351 , MATH 3463/PHYS 3912 and one of MATH 3043 , 3503 , PHYS 2312 , 3331 , or permission of the instructor. |
PHYS4953 | Introduction to Quantum Field Theory | 3 ch (3C) |
Content. Relativistic quantum mechanics. The negative energy problem. Classical field theory, symmetries and Noether's theorem. Free field theory and Fock space quantization. The interacting field: LSZ reduction formula, Wick's theorem, Green's functions, and Feynman diagrams. Introduction to Quantum electrodynamics and renormalization. This course is cross-listed as MATH 4443. Credit cannot be obtained for both Math 4443 and PHYS 4953. Prerequisites: MATH 3003 , PHYS 3351 , MATH 3463/PHYS 3912 and one of MATH 3043 , 3503 , PHYS 2312 , 3331 , or permission of the instructor. |