

Functions and graphs, limits, derivatives of polynomial, log, exponential and trigonometric functions. Curve sketching and extrema of functions. NOTE: Credit may be obtained for only one of MATH 1003, 1053 or 1823

Prerequisite: A minimum grade of 60% in New Brunswick high school courses: Pre-Calculus A 120 and  Pre-Calculus B 120, or equivalent courses; and a passing score on the Department of Mathematics and Statistics placement test. 

MATH1003Introduction to Calculus I3 ch (4C)

Functions and graphs, limits, derivatives of polynomial, log, exponential and trigonometric functions. Curve sketching and extrema of functions. NOTE: Credit may be obtained for only one of MATH 1003, 1053 or 1823

Prerequisite: A minimum grade of 60% in New Brunswick high school courses: Pre-Calculus A 120 and  Pre-Calculus B 120, or equivalent courses; and a passing score on the Department of Mathematics and Statistics placement test.