
To initiate students to the processing of digital images as acquired by Earth’s Observation Satellites like LANDSAT-TM, SPOT-HRV and NOAA-AVHRR. Course topics include characteristics of digital images, image displaying, pre-classification processing, image correction, image classification, and spatial image processing and analysis. The course is fully web-based. (The course does not deal with photo-interpretation.) Le cours est aussi disponible en français. Este curso también está disponible en español. Note: Students cannot receive credit for both FOR 3313 and FOR 3303.
FOR3313Digital Image Process in Remote Sensing3 ch
To initiate students to the processing of digital images as acquired by Earth’s Observation Satellites like LANDSAT-TM, SPOT-HRV and NOAA-AVHRR. Course topics include characteristics of digital images, image displaying, pre-classification processing, image correction, image classification, and spatial image processing and analysis. The course is fully web-based. (The course does not deal with photo-interpretation.) Le cours est aussi disponible en français. Este curso también está disponible en español. Note: Students cannot receive credit for both FOR 3313 and FOR 3303.