CHEM1017 | |
Topics include: ideal gases, heats and rates of reactions, chemical equilibria, acid-base equilibria, redox titrations, and voltaic cells. WHMIS certification required (see beginning of Chemistry Courses section for details). Note: Credit can be obtained for only one of CHEM 1017 or CHEM 1987. Prerequisite: CHEM 1006; Co-requisite: CHEM 1012. |
CHEM1017 | General Chemistry Laboratory II | 2 ch (3L) |
Topics include: ideal gases, heats and rates of reactions, chemical equilibria, acid-base equilibria, redox titrations, and voltaic cells. WHMIS certification required (see beginning of Chemistry Courses section for details). Note: Credit can be obtained for only one of CHEM 1017 or CHEM 1987. Prerequisite: CHEM 1006; Co-requisite: CHEM 1012. |