
BIOL4221Diversity, Evolution and Ecology of Marine Plants5 ch (C/L/S) (LE)

This course will survey the diversity of marine plants (seaweed and phytoplankton) relative to one another and the other key lineages of life; exploring their diverse anatomical, cytological, life history and ecological attributes. In the laboratory students will use microscopy to explore vegetative and reproductive features of the various marine plants in our area. A significant component of the laboratory portion of the course will derive from work in the field collecting specimens for personal herbaria and completing biodiversity assessments (a cost may be associated with this trip). 

Prerequisites: BIOL 2083, or BIOL 2063, 2068, or permission of the instructor. Limited enrollment. Normally taken in the same term as BIOL 4211, 4641, 4851, 4991 as part of the Marine Biology Concentration.