Forestry Courses

FOR6123Forest Economics
Course Desc
FOR6802Structural Design in Timber3 ch

This course introduces the principles and codes relating to the structural design in timber. The software Design Office 11 will be used to design individual elements (such as beams and columns), and latral load carrying systems (such as shearwalls and roof diaphragms).

Prerequisites: FOR2803, EC2303, CE2033 or permission of Instructor
FOR6900Masters Seminar6 ch
All ForEM students enrolled full-time or part-time in Master of Science in Environmental Management, Master of Science in Forestry, Master of Forestry, and Master of Forest Engineering must register in this course until they fulfill all its requirements. The goal of the course is to prepare students for presenting thesis results to examiners and to the public. Improved public presentation skills is one of the outcomes. Equally important is familiarization with projects of other graduate students in the same graduate unit. Credit for the course will be given upon fulfilling course requirements regarding the attendance and presentation.
FOR6910PhD Seminar6 ch
All ForEM students enrolled full-time or part-time in the PhD program must register in this course until they fulfill all its requirements. The goal of the course is to prepare students for presenting thesis results to examiners and to the public. Improved public presentation skills is one of the outcomes. Equally important is familiarization with projects of other graduate students in the same graduate unit. Credit for the course will be given upon fulfilling course requirements regarding the attendance and presentation.
FOR6913Research Methods3 ch
This course is designed to work students through the processes of problem identification, hypothesis testing, measurements and sampling, statistical methods, and scientific inference.  The process of scientific research will be presented using Gowin’s Vee and other methods of scientific problem structure and dissection.
FOR6920Directed Studies
Course Desc
FOR6921Directed Studies3 ch

This course allows for the exploration of a subject of interest to the graduate student, and will vary in content and design for each student. Any member of the FOREM faculty can be the instructor. Permission to enroll requires a syllabus to be accepted by SGS. The syllabus must include course title, objective, deliverables, and grading scheme.

FOR6994MFE Report
Course Desc
FOR6995MScFE Thesis0 ch
The course guides the student in the development and execution of the thesis research project from inception to completion, culminating with thesis deposit and defense. Students will progress through checkpoints set by the supervisor and Advisory Committee. Students receive credit for this course once all degree requirements are fulfilled. Students must register for this course throughout the duration of their research-based program.
FOR6996MF Report0 ch
The course guides the student in the development and execution of the report research project from inception to completion, culminating with a report deposited for review and acceptance by the Advisory Committee. Students receive credit for this course once all degree requirements are fulfilled. Students must register for this course throughout the duration of their course-based program.
FOR6997MScF Thesis0 ch
The course guides the student in the development and execution of the thesis research project from inception to completion, culminating with thesis deposit and defense. Students will progress through checkpoints set by the supervisor and Advisory Committee. Students receive credit for this course once all degree requirements are fulfilled. Students must register for this course throughout the duration of their research-based program.
FOR6998PhD Thesis0 ch
The course guides the student in the development and execution of the thesis research project from inception to completion, culminating with thesis deposit and defense. Students will progress through checkpoints set by the supervisor and Advisory Committee. Students receive credit for this course once all degree requirements are fulfilled. Students must register for this course throughout the duration of their research-based program.