
PSYC6522PhD Research Apprenticeship6 ch
During their first year in the Clinical PhD program, all students are required to participate in a research apprenticeship under the supervision of their thesis supervisor. Students will conduct, analyze, and write up an independent research study based on the Master’s Research Apprenticeship. They will submit a written report of their project, in a journal article format, to their supervisor for feedback and evaluation. The timeline for completion is as follows: Following ethics approval of the Master’s Research Apprenticeship in the Fall of their first Ph.D. year, students begin data collection. September 1 of their second Ph.D. year, the final project is due to the supervisor; students present their results to the department the first Friday afternoon following Labour Day. The supervisor will assign credit (i.e. a letter grade) when the student has completed the apprenticeship requirements.Prerequisites: Psyc6521