KIN6851 | Advanced Sport & Exercise Psychology | 3 ch |
This course will be made up of three components: sport psychology, exercise psychology, and applied sport and exercise psychology. Component 1. Psychological aspects of sport are concerned with how the principles of psychology are applied in the sport setting. These priniciples of psychology are applied in the sport setting. These principles are often applied to enhance performance. However, the complete sport psychologist is interested in much more than performance enhancement and views sports as a vehicle for human enrichment. Thus, the psychology of sport can be thought of as an exciting subject, which is dedicated to the enhancement of both athletic performance and the psychological aspects of human enrichment. Therefore, one purpose of this course is to offer the student the opportunity to learn principles and applications as they apply to psychological aspects of sport. Component 2. Exercise psychology is the student of people and their behavior in exercise environment. Those who study in the area are primarily concerned with how psychological factors effect an individuals performance, how participation in exercise effects as person's psycholgical development, health and well-being, and the development of strategies to encourage sedentary people to exercise. The major focus of this development of strategies to encourage to sedentary people to exercise. The major focus of this component of the course will be on the psycho-social aspects of physical activity and exercise, on the implementation of behaviour change techniques, and the measurement and evaluation of intervention effectiveness. Major techniques for changing physical activity behavior and conditions influencing their effectiveness will be discussed. Techniques, which promote the maintenance of physical activity behavior will be reviewed. Component 3. The areas of sport and exercise psychology have grown tremendously in recent years. This is evidenced by the numbers of athletes and coaches now looking to sport exercise psychology focuses on one specific area, that of identifying the and utilizing psychological theories and techniques which can be applied to sport and exercise to enhance performance. The purpose of this component of the course is to provide students with the knowledge and skills to consistently create the ideal mental climate that permits athletes to perform at their best. |