
KIN6340Current and Evolving Issues in Sport from a Legal Perspective3 ch

This course offers the students to examine and debate current and evolving issues that challenge the fundamental legal norms and laws governing sports.  For instance, what status do athletes have as sport continues to drive revenue - are they really amateur athletes or rather employees?  Has sports organizations adapted to support one's sexual orientation through the Canadian legal system?  How do team names and logos have an impact on human rights?  Are sports organizations equipped to deal with corruption in all of its various forms (e.g., fraud, doping)? Is it all about the professional sports team owners and profit or does the Canadian legal system protect athletes both during and after their sporting life?  What does the future hold in sport and sport participation given COVID-19 from a legal perspective?  These difficult and developing issues will be studied and considered through the lenses of the law, social justice, legal ideologies and dispute resolution.