Fall orientation

Aug. 31 to Sept. 6, 2024

It is an exciting week of events, activities and informative sessions to help you make friends, have fun and learn about all the incredible things UNB has in store for you. Whether you are international or domestic; high-school entrant, transfer or mature student, if it is your first year at UNB Saint John, then you are invited to participate in orientation events.

Student Affairs & Services staff are busy planning the details of "Super-Tuesday" (Sept. 3), which is our official Welcome Day for new students.

For now, plan on spending the entire Tuesday, Sept. 3 on campus. Lunch will be provided compliments of Student Affairs and Services. We cannot wait to welcome you to our beautiful Saint John campus!

Stay in touch while you wait

Throughout the summer, we will send you updates about orientation. These emails will come from the chooseunb@recruit.unb.ca email. Please add this email to your safe-recipients list to avoid important emails from UNB ending up in your junk folder.

UNB will become a big part of your life. As you are getting ready to start your studies, we would like to let you know about upcoming events and programs that will prepare you for your arrival in September.

Virtual sessions


Activate your IT Services

Before your arrival to campus for Orientation Week, it is very important you have claimed your IT services to have full access to information within UNB's portal.

Once you activate your IT Services, you can register for your courses and be ready to come on campus and have the best experience your first week!

  1. Activate your IT Services: UNB uses a single sign-in for all our IT systems--this includes our email system, D2L (where lots of your course materials will be found), course registration systems and so much more. Watch the video for step-by-step instructions.
  1. Set up Multifactor Authentication: Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is an extra layer of security required to access UNB services. You will need to access your UNB services while at SOAR. Watch the video for details.

If you run into difficulty activating your services or setting up MFA, contact our IT Service Desk.

Activate your IT Services now

If you require assistance with your username or password or have other IT questions, contact the IT Service Desk.

Campus and faculty welcome event

Join other new students in the G. Forbes Elliot Athletics Centre to meet Vice-President Dr. Petra Hauf, our Acting Associate Vice-Provost Student Affairs and Services, Nancy O’Shea, and the President of the SRC Aryush Bhosale.

After their welcome and advice to you and your fellow new students, you will go to your faculty building where you will meet your professors and other students within your program.

Things I wish I knew as a first-year student

Student-only event

This is a popular event that is hosted by your Student Representative Council. They have organized for current students to provide you with their suggestions on how to get a good start to your time at UNB. Hear top tips from your UNB student peers and ask them questions to learn from their experiences.

Student Affairs and Services BBQ Lunch

After a busy morning with lots of new impressions, relax with your old and new friends for a lunch Barbeque. Entertainment will be provided - just bring yourself and your appetite!

Commencement ceremony

As a new student, you are warmly invited to the Commencement ceremony to celebrate your entry into higher education. Hosted by Dr. Paul Mazerolle, UNB President and Vice-Chancellor, and Dr. Petra Hauf, Vice-President.

Clubs and societies

Get involved in the clubs and societies. During the orientation day, you will have a chance to speak with club members and sign up for future engagements.

Getting ready for the first day of classes

Throughout the day, you will have opportunity to get your UNB card, pay your tuition and fees, do a campus tour, find your classrooms, chat with UNB Student Affairs & Services staff, academic advisors and professors, and go to the bookstore to buy UNB swag and buy your textbooks.

Student Representative Council

The Student Representative Council (also known as SRC) is your student union that represents all undergraduate UNB Saint John students. They plan many fun activities for orientation and throughout the year, and provide you with valuable services and supports.

Follow your SRC on Facebook & Instagram to stay updated on their many activities.

Academic advising and registration sessions

UNB Saint John offers interesting and diverse courses for you to take; so how will you choose? Our academic advisors will be accessible at specific times virtually throughout the summer to help you understand the course requirements for your degree and will help you in the selection of your fall and winter term courses.

Campus store

Our campus store, on the main floor of the G. Forbes Elliot Athletics Centre, Room 112 is your one stop shop for textbooks, school supplies and UNB merchandise to show off your UNB pride! Can’t wait for orientation? Start shopping online for UNB clothing and accessories.

Residence orientation

Are you moving into one of our beautiful residences on campus this fall? This is the best way to meet your new neighbours! Our residence staff have been planning a series of events to introduce you to your new home, including your peers and residence-specific supports.

Keep an eye on your email for more information. Please note: Residence orientation events are accessible for residence students only.

'Ask me' table

The Student Affairs and Services 'Ask Me' table is located on the 1st floor of Oland Hall during orientation week. Student volunteers will be on hand to help you find your way to your first class. They are easy to find - look for the red Ask Me button on their shirts!

Who can you contact if you have additional questions?

Student Services can always be you first go-to resource! We are a department full of helpful staff members. Our location is the ground floor of Oland Hall. You can stop by any time in the basement of Oland Hall Room G27 to ask questions or contact unbsjorientation@unb.ca.

Are you ready to get started?

Student testimonials

"I loved being able to meet the people living on residence and I cannot wait to start classes to meet more people" – Mickayla

"The most fun part about orientation day was going around and actually learning about the school and figuring out where my classes are, also being with my friends and having fun" – Pat

"It has been an awesome experience and an awesome first week. I couldn’t have asked for more! The events have been fun and exciting. 10/10" – Aiden

"One thing I wish I knew before orientation... just go! You don’t have to participate, just go. Talk to people. Make friends. They might be your friends for a lifetime!" – Krista