The Promise Partnership

Empowering communities through education

The UNB Saint John Promise Partnership establishes a vital link between the university and the community, working together to address poverty. Through this endeavour, educational assistance and prospects are extended to youth in one of Saint John’s high-priority neighbourhoods.

Not just beating the odds, but changing them

Strong community connections not only enhance the university but also furnish University of New Brunswick Saint John students with valuable practical learning, volunteer engagements and opportunities for personal development.


Our programs provide academic support to hundreds of local youths, contributing hundreds of volunteer opportunities annually.

Our mission

The Promise Partnership is committed to bridging educational attainment gaps among individuals with low socio-economic status and empowering them to enhance their learning and digital literacy skills, all while providing exceptional experiential opportunities for our university students.

Our goals

  • To support elementary and middle school students in achieving and maintaining grade-appropriate literacy levels, with a focus on digital literacy.
  • To empower youth to overcome challenges, persist through high school and attain a high school diploma.
  • To cultivate essential digital literacy skills in local elementary, middle and high school students.
  • To support academic preparedness for higher education or entry into the workforce.
  • To offer remarkable experiential opportunities to our UNB Saint John students, enabling them to contribute to the community, develop essential life skills and investigate potential career paths.

Poverty 101

Sign up to be a mentor or tutor in one of our programs.

We need you

Contact the Promise Partnership

For more information on the Promise Partnership, contact us at

Rob Moir, PhD
Academic Director

Catherine Kerr, B.Sc., B.Ed., M.Ed.
Managing Director

Christine Davis, BCS, M.Ed.
Education Coordinator

Kate Saeedi, B.A., M.A., M.Ed.
Curriculum Developer

Noemi Horvolgyi, B.Sc.
Middle School Coordinator

Sarah Hetherington, B.A.
Youth Enrichment Program Coordinator