Bachelor of Health Sciences

Department of Nursing and Health Sciences

General Office: K.C. Irving Hall Room 329
Mailing Address: UNBSJ Department of Nursing and Health Sciences,
University of New Brunswick,
355 Campus Ring Road,
P.O. Box 5050,
Saint John, N.B.,
Canada, E2L 4L5
Phone: (506) 648-5542
Fax: (506) 648-5785
Website: //


Chair: Hamilton, Catherine

  • Banks, Angela, BN, MN, Diploma in University Teaching (UNB), CNA Certification Medical-Surgical Nursing, Associate Teaching Professor - 2016
  • Doucet, Shelley, BN (UNB), MScN (UWO), PhD (UNB), Jarislowky Chair in Interprofessional Patient-Centred Care, Professor, Director of the Centre for Research in Integrated Care - 2010
  • Dupont, Diana, BN, MN, Diploma in University Teaching (UNB), Certification Medical-Surgical Nursing, Associate Teaching Professor - 2018
  • Edwards, Rosann, BSCN, MScN, PhD (U of Ottawa), Diploma in University Teaching (UNB),  Assistant Professor - 2020
  • Furlong, Karen, RN Dip (SJSN), BN, MN, PhD,  Diploma in University Teaching (UNB), Teaching Professor – 2000
  • Gregg, Emily, BN, MN (UNB), PhD (Queens University), Assistant Teaching Professor - 2019
  • Hamilton, Catherine, BSN (Duke University), Certified Nurse-Midwife, MSc (Yale University), ARNP, MSN, PhD, (University of Florida), Assistant Professor – 2019
  • Hatfield, Meagan, BN (UNB), MN (Athabasca University), Diploma in University Teaching (UNB), Associate Teaching Professor - 2019
  • Keeping-Burke, Lisa, BN, MN (MUN), PhD (McGill), Associate Professor, Associate Dean of Health Research - 2012
  • Kinney, Erika, BN (UNB), MN (AU), CNA Certification-Critical Care, Assistant Teaching Professor - 2022
  • Mawhinney, Kathleen BN, MN, Diploma in University Teaching (UNB), Teaching Professor - 2010
  • McCloskey, Rose, BSc (Acad.), RN Dip (Hfx.Inf.SN), BN (UNB), Diploma in Adult Ed. (St FX), MN, PhD, CNA Certification Gerontology, Diploma in University Teaching (UNB), Professor - 2000
  • Pastirik, Pamela, BN (UNB), MSN (UBC), CNA Certification Perinatal Nursing, Teaching Professor - 2002
  • Shamputa, Isdore Chola, BSc (UNZA), MSc, PhD (VUB), Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow (NIH), BScN (Dal), Certification in Microbiology (Canadian College of Microbiologists), Diploma in University Teaching (UNB), Assistant Professor - 2018
  • Simpson, Catharine, BN (UNB), MN (Athabasca University), Diploma in University Teaching (UNB), Associate Teaching Professor - 2019
  • Waycott, Loretta, BA (STU), BN (UNB), MN (Athabasca University), Diploma in Universtiy Teaching (UNB), Associate Teaching Professor - 2019
  • Wilbur, Kimberly, RN (Bathurst School of Nursing), BN, MN, Diploma in University Teaching (UNB), Lecturer - 2022

The Bachelor of Health Sciences (BHS) degree program is offered in conjunction with health science education partners. While students may be initially admitted directly into this intended degree, subsequent admission to a competitive BHS major is required. Admission to a major is based on acceptance by Accreditation Canada Equal Program. Alternatively, applicants who have already completed an accredited and approved health science program and are qualified to practice (as recognized by the appropriate national and provincial bodies) can also apply for entry. Current programs partnered with UNB Saint John to deliver BHS majors include:

  • Radiography Saint John (Partner: Saint John School of Radiological Technology)
  • Radiography Moncton (Partner: The Moncton Hospital School of Radiologic Technology)
  • Respiratory Therapy (Partner: New Brunswick Community College)
  • Respiratory Therapy (Partner: College Communitaire du Nouveau-Brunswick)

Application to partner programs occurs directly via the UNB Saint John Department of Nursing and Health Sciences. As the application process is competitive, seats within partner programs are limited, and students who meet the minimum requirements are not guaranteed acceptance to a major. Students who are unsuccessful at gaining admission to a partner program may remain BHS designated students while they plan for future applications. However, students may be advised to consider alternative program options if they are unable to gain admission to a partner program in order to declare a major.

To earn the degree, students must successfully complete 136 credit hours. Note: 71 credit hours are required to be taken at UNB and 65 credit hours are allotted on successful completion of the accredited partner program.

Admission Policy on English Language Proficiency

The language of our program is English and prospective students whose mother tongue is not English may prove English language proficiency in one of the following ways:

i. Minimum TOEFL score on a paper-based test of 600.
ii. Minimum CanTEST scores of 5.0 on reading and listening, and 4.5 on writing.
iii. A minimum of 4 years full-time study in the English language in Canada. Notwithstanding the above, students must demonstrate competence in speaking, listening, reading, and writing English to meet course requirements.

Required Courses

Year 1*:

**Consideration may be made for students with prior courses equivalent to past BHS requirements. Courses will be assessed based on the requested BHS program and must be approved by the Department of Nursing and Health Sciences.

Years 2, 3, and 4:

In addition to the requirements of the appropriate accredited program, students must complete the following University courses:

Bachelor of Health Sciences Respiratory Therapy Post Diploma Entry 

The program is meant to meet the needs of practicing Respiratory Therapist (RT). The program offers opportunities for development of leadership skills required to work in the healthcare environment and prepares those who are interested in life-long learning who may be interested in pursuing graduate education. 

The post diploma BHS curriculum is equivalent to 2 years of full-time university study (60 credit hours). Courses may be completed in the sequence best suited for the student; however, attention must be paid to course prerequisites. The post diploma program is available on a full time or part time basis. Program must be completed within 5 years of registration in the first course. 

Admission Requirements – BHS Respiratory Therapy Post Diploma  

Respiratory Therapists (RT) will be able to gain access to the Post Diploma Entry to Bachelor of Health Sciences. Eligible students require successful completion of High School MATH 112 with a minimum grade of 60%. and provide proof of current registration with the New Brunswick Association of Respiratory Therapists (NBART) in good standing.  The Admission Policy on English Language Proficiency as described above applies to the Post Diploma Entry to BHS. 

Required Courses - BHS Respiratory Therapy Post Diploma  

Elective Courses - BHS Respiratory Therapy Post Diploma  

Please note: One course must be at the 3000/4000 level and one course must be a PSYC elective. Total electives must equal 24 credits hours or 8 courses from the following list of 3 ch courses: 

Note: Additional courses may be considered for elective credit at the discretion of the Nursing and Health Sciences program coordinator. 

Health Sciences Minor

The Health Sciences Minor is open to any student in a discipline that has a provision for a minor. To be considered, students must have completed 60 ch (i.e.: four full-time terms) with a minimum GPA of 2.0. Interested students may contact the Nursing and Health Sciences Program Coordinator for academic advising. The Minor in Health Sciences requires 24 ch with a minimum grade of C in each course consisting of:
Required courses - Health Sciences Minor - 12 ch:

Required Electives - Health Sciences Minor - 12 ch

  • minimum 3 ch per course
  • maximum of 9 ch from the lower (1/2xxx) level.
  • minimum 6 ch from the two groupings: Life & Behavioural Sciences and Social Sciences/ Humanities/ Business.

Students are responsible for ensuring they have completed appropriate prerequisites for any selected courses in the Health Sciences minor.

The Nursing and Health Sciences Program Coordinator may approve the use of courses for Life & Behavioural Sciences Grouping or Social Sciences/ Humanities/ Business Grouping electives on an individual basis.

Life & Behavioural Sciences Grouping:

Lower Level:

Upper Level:

Social Sciences/ Humanities/ Business Grouping

Lower Level:

Upper Level: