
The BEd Degree Program

A Concurrent Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Education degree program for Early Years Education

General Office: Sir Douglas Hazen Hall, Room 202
Mailing Address: Education Program,
UNBSJ, 355 Campus Ring Road
Saint John, N.B.,
Canada, E2L 4L5 
Phone: (506) 648-5594

Statement of Purpose

The Education Program prepares students to assume teaching roles in education. Graduates are ready to begin a professional career in education and to broaden and deepen their professional expertise through continuing study. Students acquire the knowledge, ethical standards, skills, dispositions, and flexibility needed to address current problems in education both creatively and effectively, and to think critically about professional practice. In its design, the BA/BEd Program seeks to prepare educators who understand the past, delight in the challenges of the present, and look optimistically to the future.

Degrees in Education

The BA/BEd  degree is awarded upon successful completion of 56 term-courses, of which 20 term-courses are designated in Education.

Students who have completed courses at another University may apply and if accepted, possibly have some courses assessed for transfer into the concurrent degree program. 

General Information

  1. Applicants may obtain information or application forms from the Admissions/Registrar’s Office, UNB Saint John, PO Box 5050, Saint John, NB E2L 4L5 or by telephoning 506-648-5994. Applicants are also encouraged to consult UNB’s Internet home-page; – for up-to-date developments, including an online application.
  2. A student applying for entrance to the University of New Brunswick Saint John (UNBSJ) must complete an application form and forward it to the Admissions/Registrar’s Office together with the applicable application processing fee. A non-refundable tuition confirmation deposit will be required from all applications on acceptance.
  3. The final date for program application, including provision of required supporting documentation, will be January 31st annually. Applications received after that date may be considered, provided that space is available, but late applicants are cautioned their applications will not be processed until the earlier applications are dealt with, and that they may not necessarily be accepted.
  4. Meeting the minimum requirements does not guarantee admission to any program.
  5. Students will normally follow the Calendar Regulations for the year of their admission.

All students wishing to follow degree credit programs in Education must obtain permission to enrol from the Admissions Office of the University. Students will normally only be accepted into the Program in September. Please refer to Section B of this calendar for more information on Admission requirements. Those wishing to follow a graduate studies program should write the Dean of the School of Graduate Studies.

Students may apply to the BA/BEd program with 10-20 BA term-courses completed, but completion of the concurrent program in a shorter time frame as a result is normally not possible. 

Graduates of the BA/BEd program are pursuing careers in education in many jurisdictions in Canada, the United States, and in other parts of the world. Students who successfully complete the program requirements, including the internship, are automatically eligible to apply for a New Brunswick teacher's license. This license is recognized by other Canadian Provinces and most US states. Nevertheless, students should ensure that the specific programs they are following will qualify them for teacher certification in the province, state or country where they hope to work.

NOTE: The Province of New Brunswick Teacher Certification Regulations under the Education Act states that only Canadian citizens or those holding landed immigrant status or a work visa are eligible for teacher certification in the Province of New Brunswick.

Concurrent Program

NOTE: Students in the BA/BEd concurrent program must fulfill the following requirements.

a. Students must complete at least 10 term-courses of teachable content. These 10 term-courses must include at least one term-course in each of the following subjects: English, Math, Science (Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Earth Science, Environmental Science, Geology, or another approved science course), and Social Studies (Economics, Geography, History, Politics), for a minimum of 4 term-courses. The remaining six term-courses may be from any one or a combination of teachable subjects. The mathematics requirement must be a course with a MATH prefix and statistics is not accepted to meet this requirement. 

b. Teachable subjects include: Biology, Business Administration, Chemistry, Classics, Computer Science, Communication Studies, Economics, English, French, Geography, History, Languages, Mathematics, Physics, Political Science.

To be elilgible to teach in French second language education, students must possess a high level of French competency. Students must provide evidence of this competency through a French oral proficiency certificate with a minimum level of Advanced Plus from the New Brunswick Department of Linguistic Services.

The New Brunswick Department of Education requires that all BEd students entering schools (for field studies or individual course requirements) must provide evidence of a Police Background and Vulnerable Sector Check. Students are responsible, at their own expense, to have evidence of the Police Background Check available to present upon request.


In addition to those costs listed in Section C (Undergraduate Fees and Financial Information) of this Calendar, students are responsible for all travel and accommodation costs related to the required student teaching experiences throughout their entire concurrent BEd program.

The Education Program may make arrangements for a limited number of faculty approved locations for students seeking an out-of-region/province Internship. Students undertaking out-of-region/province placements will be responsible for an out-of-region/province intern differential fee.

University Regulations

Students are urged to read the General University Regulations, Section B of this Calendar, and in particular the subsection headed Grading System and Classification.

Any point not covered in the following regulations will be governed by the General University Regulations. Students applying for a second undergraduate bachelor's degree, transferring from other institutions, or changing degree programs are particularly advised to consult Section B of this Calendar. Questions concerning the application of regulations should be directed to the Registrar in writing.

General Regulations

Student Standing

a. Letter grades are assigned in accordance with University regulations.
b. A grade of B- shall meet the requirements for Bachelor of Education courses unless otherwise stated in the Calendar.
c. In course offerings of other Faculties/Departments, students must meet the prerequisite requirements of that Faculty/Department.
d. A grade of B- shall be the minimum acceptable grade in courses taken to meet the specific Teachable requirements for the Bachelor of Education degree.
e. A BEd degree shall be awarded to a student who successfully completes the approved courses indicated in the program outlined. In addition, students must successfully complete the 15-week Internship.
f. A CGPA of 2.7 must be maintained to remain in the program and to be eligible to complete the 15-week practicum.

Credit Hours

a. The normal course load for a concurrent BEd student is 12 term-courses per academic year completed in Fall and Winter terms.
b. Once admitted to the concurrent degree program a full-time student must strive to maintain an appropriate balance of Education and other-faculty courses in the BA degree, normally with no fewer than 5 term-courses total per Fall and Winter academic term.

Standing and Promotion Requirements

Per University Regulations (see Section B of the Calendar).

Divisions and Distinctions

a. BEd degrees are awarded in divisions as stated in the University Regulations.
b. A student in the BEd program having a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.8 in Education (ED) courses, and no grade below C, and whose Internship is deemed satisfactory for this degree by the Dean of Arts after consultation with the faculty member(s) who supervised the student's Internship, shall be awarded the BEd degree with Distinction.

Repeating Courses

Per University Regulations (see Section B of the Calendar).

Pre-Internship and Internship (Student Teaching)

The Education Program places students in school settings subject to approval by the University and in cooperation with the public school system.

a. In order to complete the BEd degree with a recommendation for New Brunswick Teacher Certification, a student must successfully complete Pre-Internship (ED 4003) and the Internship (ED 5040) required in the program. The one-week placement Pre-Internship course (ED 4003) will take place at the end of the Winter term in years 1-2 of the program, and the Internship takes place in the final term of the BA/BEd program. The Pre-Internship and Internship are evaluated on a pass/fail basis. If an intern is removed from ED 5040 by the Faculty of Arts, a grade of NCR will be assigned. (A grade of ‘W’, withdrawal, shall not be assigned after this point.)

b. During their Internship students participate in teaching and learning activities in an educational setting approved by the faculty. Responsibility for arranging and approving student placements in Internships rests within the Education Program Coordinator.

c. Before being eligible for the 15 week Internship, prerequisites must be met (see course: ED 5040).

d. With the approval of the Dean of Arts, courses other than the Internship may be taken to meet degree requirements provided the student authorizes the Dean in writing to recommend to the provincial licensing authorities that a New Brunswick Teacher's License not be granted to the student upon completion of the BA/BEd program. Any later request for registration in the Internship must be submitted in writing to the Education Coordinator. In such cases there is no obligation on the part of the Program to place the student in an internship at a later date.

e. Students are responsible for all travel and living expenses incurred.

f. Re-registration

i. Students who have withdrawn from the Internship must establish that the factors necessitating withdrawal have changed and that there is reason to assume that a further attempt would be successful. The request for re-registration must be submitted in writing and must satisfy the Dean of Arts. In such cases there is no obligation on the part of the Program to place the student in an internship.

ii. Students who have failed the Internship (that is, received a grade of NCR) must establish that the factors causing the failure have changed and that there is reason to assume that a further attempt would be successful. Following failure, students will not be permitted to re-register for the practicum until at least one full academic year has elapsed. The request for re-registration must be submitted in writing and must satisfy the Dean of Arts. In such cases there is no obligation on the part of the Program to place the student in an internship.

g. Students who apply for the Internship within 3 years of having completed the requirements of the BA/BEd degrees normally will be allowed to register for the Internship without taking any further courses. If more than 3 years has elapsed, the Coordinator may require specific courses (in subject areas and methodology) to be taken prior to registration in the Internship.

h. Students wishing to be placed in a French Immersion classroom for their Internship must have completed a minimum of 3 term-courses in second language education and meet requirements for French oral language proficiency.

i. Any appeal with regard to the final grade or the decision of the Faculty to remove a failing student in the Internship will be considered by the Faculty of Arts and the Education Coordinator. A student may choose a Faculty member to represent them on the committee. (See also Section B. VIII, Item H: Review of Grades)

NOTE: Consistent with the New Brunswick Department of Education's "Policy 701 on Pupil Protection," students planning to complete an Internship will be required to provide both a Criminal Record check and a Vulnerable Sector check. Students must also provide letters of reference attesting to their suitability to work with pupils in the public school system.

Residency Requirements

Students must complete the Internship at the University of New Brunswick.

Time Limit

The maximum time permitted between the first registration and the completion of the Concurrent BA/BEd degree in accordance with the regulations in effect at the time of first registration shall normally be 10 years.

Course Selection

Students should consult with the Education Coordinator to confirm that all courses meet degree requirements. Students may not take more than one 3 credit hour ED course outside the BA/BEd Elementary program (i.e. Adult Education).

Admission Procedures

  1. Students apply for entry to the Bachelor of Arts degree program upon completion of their high school program.
  2. Students apply to the Education Program for admission to the BA/BEd Concurrent Program before January 31 of their first year in the BA program. Upon successful completion of 10 term-courses and meeting other admission criteria (CGPA of at least 2.7, suitable Application package), they may be admitted to the Concurrent Program.
  3. Admission requires the submission of the following supplemental forms, available from the Education Program Office: (a) Personal Statement of Intent; (b) Profile/Personal Interest; (c) two letters of reference.

Concurrent BA/BEd

Program Requirements (56 term-courses)

  1. 20 term-courses with the Education Program including ED 5040.
  2. 40 term-courses approved by the Faculty of Arts of which 4 term-courses of specified Education credits may be used as Arts electives.
  3. A student cannot obtain a BEd degree by itself in this program. If a student decides to leave the Concurrent Program, only those Education courses eligible as Arts electives may be transferred to the BA program.

Concurrent BEd courses offered at UNBSJ over a 4-year cycle:
ED 3021, ED 3031, ED 3041, ED 3092ED 3211, ED 3241, ED 3424, ED 3474ED 3511ED 3621, ED 3803ED 4003ED 4164, ED 4354ED 5032, ED 5040

NOTE: The Elementary level option of the Concurrent BEd is offered to full-time students on the Saint John Campus of UNB. For more details of other options, refer to Section G of this Calendar, Fredericton Academic Programs.

CORE (Required) COURSES -6 term-courses:

ED 3021 Human Development and Learning
ED 3031 Education of Exceptional Learners
ED 3041 Theory & Practice of Education
ED 3092 Frameworks of Education
ED 4164 Techniques of Teaching
ED 5032 Inclusion from the Early Years

METHOD (Required) COURSES- 7 term-courses

ED 3211 Introduction to Visual Education
ED 3241 Music for Classroom Teaching
ED 3424 Teaching Mathematics in the Elementary School
ED 3474 Health & Movement Education in the Elementary School
ED 3511 Introduction to Science Education
ED 3621 Introduction to Social Studies
ED 4354 Literacy Learning in Early Years

Elective Courses - 2 term-courses (ED 2514 and ED 3803 are recommended)

Field Studies- Total equivalent to 5 term-courses

ED 4003 Pre-Internship Course
ED 5040 Internship for Concurrent Education

BA Cooperative Education [Co-Op] Option 

The Curriculum  

The Faculty of Arts offers a Cooperative Education [Co-Op] Option within the BA program. While the program is designed to be completed in four years, students may take longer to complete the program. Students must major in one discipline or double major in two disciplines while participating in the Co-Op option. Consistent with the philosophy of co-operative education, the program is designed to alternate study terms and relevant work terms, as follows: 


Co-Op Program Academic/ Work Term Sequence 






Sept - Dec 

Jan - April 

May -Aug 

Year 1 

Academic Term 1 

Academic Term 2 

Student Apply to Co-Op Program 
(deadline June 30th annually) 

Year 2 

Work Term 3 

Work Term 1 

Work Term 2 

Year 3 

Academic Term 4 

Academic Term 5 

Work Term 3 

Year 4 

Academic Term 6 

Academic Term 7 



Every co-op student shall complete three work terms during their undergraduate degree. The co-op program considers students full-time if they are enrolled in at least 4 term-courses, not including work term reports: ARTS 2903, ARTS 3903, and ARTS 4903. 



The sequence of academic terms and work terms outlined is not flexible. Only in unusual circumstances will the Dean or designated Program Director/Coordinator approve deviation from the regular sequence. 

If students' course selections deviate from the schedule above they are responsible for obtaining academic advising from the Faculty of Arts Student Coordinator or their Faculty Advisor(s) for their major or double majors. Students are responsible for their own academic planning and course selection. 

Each work term is normally 12 to 16 weeks in duration. 



Students apply for the Co-op program at the end of the second term of their first year of full-time study (completion of at least 8 term-courses). Entrance to the Co-op program is a five-step process, as follows: 

  1. Academic Achievement - Obtain a B- (2.7) cumulative average or higher by the end of the second term of their first year of full-time study to be eligible for the entry-level Professional Development Workshop Series. 
  2. Program Selection - Students must be chosen from the those applying to the BA Co-op program to be admitted into the program. The application deadline will be June 30th of the students' first year. Only a limited number of spaces are available in the program in any given year. Notification of students' acceptance to the program will be given in mid-to-late July. 
  3. Professional Development - Successfully complete all required elements of the entry-level professional development seminars (PDSs). 
  4. Mock Job Interview - Participate in and pass a mock job interview. 
  5. The Job Competition - Obtain a position for Work Term One. 

Students who are unsuccessful in any one of the five steps will remain in the traditional BA program. To remain eligible for each Co-op work term, students must attend and complete assignments for all mandatory professional development seminars in the academic terms offered. 

Admissions Policy for International Students Entering the BA Co-op Program 

In addition to the above criteria, international students require a TOEFL score of 550 (or equivalent) to enter the BA Co-op program if English is not their first language. 


To complete the program and earn a Co-op designation, students must  

  • Maintain a minimum GPA of 2.7 (B-) throughout the program 
  • Successfully complete all Professional Development Seminars 
  • Perform satisfactorily in all work terms  
  • Obtain a grade of C or higher on each of their work term reports.  

If a student's GPA fails below 2.7 but not lower than 2.5 in any one academic semester directly before or after the work terms, she/he will be placed on co-op probation. For additional information, please consult with the Co-Op Coordinator. For additional information, please refer to the co-op students' handbook. 

Work Term Reports  

The work term report plays a pivotal role in the success of the Cooperative Education [Co-Op] Program. Work term reports ARTS 2903, ARTS 3903 and ARTS 4903 to be allowed to continue in the program. 

Students who withdraw or are required to withdraw from the co-op program before or after they have completed ARTS 2903, ARTS 3903 and ARTS 4903 may not use the credit from ARTS 2903, ARTS 3903 and/or ARTS 4903 toward the 40 term courses required for their BA degree. 

The Co-Op Fee  

A comprehensive Cooperative Education [Co-Op] Program includes many important components. Each component provides tangible benefits which are not offered to students in the traditional BA program. Cooperative Education fees are used to develop and support the following areas: 

  1. Professional Development Seminars 
  2. Providing feedback to students in order to help them improve performance 
  3. Employer recruitment 
  4. Organizing job interviews with employers 
  5. Mid-Work term performance evaluations 
  6. Heightening the profile of our co-op program with schools, businesses, and community 

Students who do not abide by Co-Op Program regulations set out in the calendar and any Cooperative Education [Co-Op] Program handbook(s), etc., will be required to withdraw from the Co-op Program.